What is mould?

Mould is a type of fungus that poses potential health risks and cause damage to building materials. Mould releases tiny spores that can be inhaled and cause allergic reactions, such as coughing, sneezing, runny eyes and skin irritation. Symptoms can be more severe with personnel that are immune compromised such as those with asthma or allergies.

Certain mould species produce mycotoxins that can cause a range of health issues when inhaled or ingested. Exposure to these mycotoxins have studies that link to neurological and immune system disorders. There are certain cases where it is believed to cause types of cancer.

Preventative measures to protect occupants and building materials from mould would be to understand the conditions that are ideal for growth. Mould thrive in damp and humid environments and utilize building materials as a food source. Common areas of such damp areas consist of washrooms, kitchens and basements. These can be caused by condensation or leaky pipes, windows, or penetration from exterior sources.

It is crucial to immediately repair sources of leaks and water related issues, ensure proper ventilation of damp areas, utilize dehumidifiers (when needed), regularly clean and dry areas that are commonly known damp sources and properly insulate areas to mitigate condensation.

If mould has already infiltrated the area, then it is recommended to utilize proper procedures for its removal by professionals.


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