How to Improve Indoor Air Quality at work, what to look for…

You naturally anticipate high air quality in the places where you spend the majority of your time, such as your office and home. Suboptimal Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), even when symptoms appear mild, can lead to reduced productivity and increased absenteeism. In some instances, poor IAQ may stem from a combination of factors, while in others, the root cause of discomfort may not be related to IAQ conditions at all. Frequently, changes in various factors can detrimentally affect air quality:

  • Have there been recent interior renovations?

  • Have occupancy rates changed?

  • Have maintenance or cleaning practices undergone recent modifications?

  • Has there been a shift in tenants or alterations in the space's use?

  • Has there been a recent occurrence of flooding or leaks?

  • Is there ongoing construction in close proximity to the building?

A comprehensive IAQ assessment often serves to pinpoint potential causes, identify genuine issues, and offer practical guidance for enhancing air quality, ultimately creating a more comfortable and conducive environment for productivity.


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